November 24 2004

Cute Penguin

penguin 3
Originally uploaded by AquaCool.

This is one of mom’s creative homemade products: The vegetable penguin! Isn’t it just sooooo cute 🙂 She made it and took pics of it to send them to my sweet little nephew in Canada.
I simply love all her artistic creations, not to mention my love for penguins.
Anyway, just thought I’d share it here 🙂

November 19 2004

“Celebrate Islam!”

Founded in 1995, Astrolabe is the leading distributor and affinity marketer of media and entertainment products that celebrate Islamic values and Muslim culture.
Astrolabe is committed to providing high quality cartoons, documentaries, books, software, toys, and art that reflect the diversity of Muslim thought while generally promoting a positive American Muslim identity through its online store, phone representatives, sponsored events/concerts, convention bazaars, and bi-annual direct-mail catalog.

Take a look at it, it’s really great and provides a wide range of Islamic products for the whole family. I personally loved it.

November 18 2004

10X10: When Pictures Define Time…

10×10â„¢ (‘ten by ten’) is an interactive exploration of the words and pictures that define the time. Every hour, 10×10 collects the 100 words and pictures that matter most on a global scale, and presents them as a single image, taken to encapsulate that moment in time. Each hour is presented as a picture postcard window, composed of 100 different frames, each of which holds the image of a single moment in time. Clicking on a single frame allows us to peer a bit deeper into the story that lies behind the image. The result is an often moving, sometimes shocking, occasionally frivolous, but always fitting snapshot of our world.
Over the course of days, months, and years, 10×10 leaves a trail of these hourly statements which, stitched together side by side, form a continuous patchwork tapestry of human life.

I think it’s BEAUTIFUL!

November 9 2004


This is simply BEAUTIFUL. A great Islamic RAP song, yes, rap song, and in Flash animation too. I was waiting for the English and French versions to be ready to guarantee all of you will understand the song.
The song is called: “Dear Sister”, by Ammar. The song is to support all Muslim sisters out there who are going through very difficult times and facing so much trouble for sticking to their religion and its instructions.

Don’t waste more time, check it out NOW and spread the word, you’ll find 2 choices for each version. The High is for DSL and ISDN, with high sound quality (3,4 MB); and the Low for Modem and ISDN, low sound quality (1,8 MB).

To download the song you can go to Ammar’s official website.

Bravo Ammar, you ROCK!

November 2 2004

Egyptian Hieroglyphic Name Translator

Wondering how would your name look in Egyptian Hieroglyphic? Stop imagining and check it out NOW!
It’s pretty cool. I loved my name in hieroglyphic, it’s so cute 🙂

Via: Jad

October 26 2004

Music Pillows!

These Music Pillows from Pioneer look like a stoner’s pipe dream. Imagine laying back in a hot tub with your head resting on an inflatable pillow, soothing sounds wafting up from the two speakers recessed into either side. Okay, sure, you could just wear headphones and use another, less expensive pillow that you wouldn’t mind getting soaked (or popped!), but where’s the fun in that? On the other hand, encouraging heads to put full-sized speakers next to the tub is a good way to exterminate the hippie threat, so maybe we should keep these quiet.
Via: AraBlog , Source: Gizmodo .

October 22 2004

Garfield Comic… Your Way!

Yep, now you can create your own Garfield comic HERE .
It’s so exciting, so creative and so cute. I really enjoyed it and I’m sure you all will.
Via: Sabbah’s Blog

July 29 2004

Track Your Child With A Cellphone ;)

Parents in South Korea will now be able to track their children by using a device in a new mobile phone that has been designed for kids.
SK Telecom Co. began selling on Wednesday colorful cellphones with antennas that look like human ears and a built in tracker using the global positioning satellite (GPS) network. The phone has four buttons to save phone numbers of key contacts, such as Mum and Dad. The GPS technology works even when the phone is turned off. To keep the price down, the phones do not have text messaging or Internet capabilities.
Isn’t this cool !
Source: Reuters

June 28 2004

Lapotops & Spinach?

According to US researchers Laptops can actually be powered by spinach. If you’re interested in knowing how Click Here

June 15 2004

Verkleidete Antenne!

Ohne Mobilfunk-Antennen kann man gar nicht mit dem Handy telefonieren, trotzdem, will es man nicht, die Sendemasten bei ihm zu haben. Die Antennen sind wider gesund noch schön, deswegen sind sie unbeliebt. Aber Mast-Macher haben eine sehr kreative und hilfreiche Idee bekommen, um das Problem des Aussehens mindestens zu lösen: sie haben die Mobilfunk-Antennen als Bäume, Kamine oder Kruzifixe verkleidet.
Für um die 25.000 Euro kommt dann kein hässlich-grauer Sende-Spargel in die Landschaft, sondern ein durchschnittlich 30 Meter hohes Baum-Imitat. Mehr…