Craving A Walk
It’s been over a month and half since I’ve been trapped in bed, first in hospital and now at home.
I truly miss going out, and sometimes I look through the window and wish if I can go for a walk just for a few minutes.
But knowing that the heat outside is unbearable, helped me feel better about staying in bed one way or the other.
2 days ago, while I was reading, I heard this chilling sound of rain drops, knocking at the window and quenching the thirst of the dry streets. It was only 3-5 minutes, I enjoyed just staring at the window, but I must admit that deep inside I truly felt like an immediate walk. I adore walking in the rain… the light tickling kind of rain that is.
Today, to make things even worse, the weather outside is cloudy yet not gloomy, with this cool refreshing breeze, occasional light raining, and the sounds of different kinds of birds filling the skies. Extremely tempting! I really feel like going out, walking a bit, just a little bit, feeling the breeze against my skin, and filling my lungs with fresh air.
But I know that’s impossible, not before another month at least. So I have to surrender to the sad fact that until then, it’s gonna be only me, with books, DVD’s, a laptop, and the crazy little birds in their nest next to my window, who check on me every once in a while and give me this weird birdie look as if I’m some kind of a beast trapped in one big glass cage …