September 23 2004

“Islam Connecting People”

Ammar Kebede, a very talented young man born in Ethiopia and grown up in Germany. Ammar used to write lyrics for rap songs, and used to rap since 1995. He was a part of a small group of talented people. They wanted to be famous and reach the world, but they wanted it in the right way. They didn’t want to sing about drugs or sex, they didn’t want video clips with women surrounding them, they wanted to show all stars that there are other ways of becoming famous, while keeping self-respect.
In the same year, Ammar got to know Islam and read in the Quran. In 1999 he converted to Islam, ever since then he started writing lyrics about things he believed were meaningful and worth discussing. He started writing about life, the truth of things, God, poverty, egoism, and anything that could give a wakeup call to people to improve their lives and help each other.
His topics are well selected, his texts are Islamic and his songs simply rock. The reactions to his new style music and Islamic rap songs were so positive. People loved Ammar and his meaningful music.
His latest CD is called “Mehr als Musik” (more than music) and could be purchased from Ammar’s website:
You can also hear his songs and download a lot of remixes and singles for free. With his songs, Ammar tries to get people to thinking and reconsidering their lives. He tries to encourage people to make their lives more useful and more meaningful.
Unfortunately his website and songs are in German only.

Tomorrow September 23rd, Ammar will be having a live concert in Mainz- Germany. And on Sunday, September 26th, Ammar will be having another Live concert in Berlin-Germany, for FREE. It will be called “Islam Connecting People” and will include interviews with people from around the world, who’d like to share their experience with Islam.
For details about the concerts, the time, place and tickets you can check his site or call: 0177-3448727, or simply send an email on the following address: icp[AT]
You’re all invited 🙂

Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

Posted September 23, 2004 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Entertainment", "Religion