September 26 2011

Remembering & Missing Edward Said

“My argument is that history is made by men and women, just as it can also be unmade and rewritten, always with various silence and elisions, always with shapes imposed and disfigurements tolerated.” – Edward Said

Yesterday marked the  8th anniversary of the passing of Edward Said, the Palestinian literary theorist, the esteemed University Professor of English and comparative literature, and most importantly the advocate for Palestinian rights, and the most powerful political voice Palestinians had.

Edward Said was an influential scholar, whose  incorruptible beautiful mind and whose big brave heart charmed us all. I -and so many others like me- were impressed by his genius work, his diverse talents,  and his significant impact on spreading awareness of the Palestinian cause and the Middle Eastern conflict.

So here we are remembering you Edward Said, the humanist, the extraordinary intellectual; here we are remembering your inimitable courage to fight for all that is virtuous.

RIP Edward Said…

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Posted September 26, 2011 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Art & Literature", "Media, International", "Palestine