Palestine-Family.Net: A Virtual Homeland
At a time in which Palestine and its people are being deliberately crossed out of history, maps, dictionaries and books; a time in which Palestinians are denied the right of returning to homes they were forced to leave; a time in which “Palestine” has become a politically-banned word and a socially-controversial term; it’s in such a time that we mostly need any attempt to save what’s left of this land’s identity and connect to its people: revealing their past, exposing their culture, learning about their tradition, sharing their memories, and simply giving them a space where they can create their virtual homeland, so that cyberspace might succeed in gathering what real world brutally scattered over the years… is one of these attempts, a rather impressive one, which helps preserve and reflect the rich heritage of a wonderful region by providing interesting material for current and future generations.
And best part is, you’re not limited to visiting the site, but you can also become a member and help enrich its content with your personal input whatever it is, let it be a story, a family tree, a photograph, a map, a biography, a historical document, a recipe, a song, a poem, or anything Palestinian you wish to share.
Members can submit their collections to the site by uploading directly to the site or by sending them to the administration by email or mail.
So if you have anything you can share, go ahead and add your personal touch to this virtual homeland.