One Of Those Busy Days…
Today when I woke up (eventually) I felt like I’m going to collapse and fall on the floor after few steps before I reach the bathroom to wash my sleepy face. I couldn’t focus on anything, lol, it was so funny. All I wanted was a few more minutes of sleep. On the way to work, I couldn’t open one subject to discuss with my husband, I could hardly keep my eyes open. The slight breeze and the warm weather made me even more sleepy. I got to my office, got me a hot cup of coffee, which made me feel like watching TV, lol, weird, but that’s what happened. Anyway, I couldn’t do anything. Even looking around at the world’s news or anything, just wanted to sleeeeeeeep. I was afraid that I’d lay my head on the desk and really sleep, then nothing could wake me up 😛 Anyway, I started replying to my daily emails (an average of 35 emails per day) making some phone calls to solve some problems, and then my boss came to give me one of the things I really hate doing: reports. Turns out the company’s trying to apply new methods to have more control on its international branches, therefore I had to do the report in the new form again. Once I was done (few minutes ago) I felt I needed more and more coffee to keep me awake, but fortunately I was able to resist the tempting smell of coffee this time.
Anyway, I thought why am I being so tired everyday! Is it the weather? Is it the amount of sleep I’m getting being not enough?! Or maybe it’s the work and thinking I do that gets me so tired? No matter what the reason is, the solution is that I should rest more and have another re-energizing life style. And both I know are hard to get, at least for the time being. But good news is, my French course is to an end, my final test will be next week, and the oral test will be a week after the final. Then I’ll have only my job and home to take care of. Can’t wait for that 😉 As for now, and specifically this minute, I have to do something to wake myslef up, I have a very busy day today, at work and after it. Sometimes I feel like crying so loud or knocking my head against the wall, but thank God I still didn’t totally lose it…
And it’s better to compare myself with people who cannot support their families, who have no jobs, or those old people that work in the sun, carry heavy weight, just to afford a loaf of bread to feed the kids. Thinking of those poor people who spend their life working so hard, in a time that has no place for the weak and kind, makes me feel I’m lucky, makes me appreciate my job more, and makes me thank God for being by my side…
It’s lunch time now, but I’m not hungry yet, or maybe I’m hungry but have no power to go eat, loool. I’m more into surfing and blogging now, wish me luck so that I wont have the kind of work that needs a lot of thinking. Can’t wait till 5 p.m. I’ll have at least 1 hour to catch my breath before I get busy again…